These days, it's easy to take for granted how our basic needs are met. Food, water, shelter, health care, education - all things we experience as readily available - are not as easily accessible in third world countries. In fact, for the most part they're not even accessible at all.
View images of our work here.
Cherish International, a UK-based charity, has been established to look after the well-being and welfare of underprivileged children and orphans living in Africa and Asia. A large number of these children struggle to fend for themselves, with little or no support from the government or their families. Our mission is to help these youths gain access to support, by providing the necessary funds to meet the costs of providing food, basic health care and education, among other needs.Read more
The annual Cherish Charity Fundraiser will take place at Venue 5 on Saturday 9 March 2013. Please click here for further information.
Chutney & Chips: February 2012
Our thanks to Chutney & Chips Productions (Oxford University), for donating a third of their profits from this years performance to Cherish International. More >
Our special thanks to Roger Lee (Roger Lee Optometrists, Sherringham) and Rodenstock for donating glasses to the kids and teachers of Mountain View School in Malawi.